Thank you for coming to this website. This website was made by second grade students belonging to University of Fukui, Global and Community Studies. It was made in class, called Project-Based Learning (PBL), in which we try to prevail traditional Japanese products to the world.
We named this website and pamphlet “FukiXperience.” “FukuiXperience” is the word, which was created by the combination “Fukui” with “Experience.”

What is Taiken?
Taiken, especially in this pamphlet, means to experience traditional Japanese culture. In Fukui, you can participate in various local art, craft, and other cultural traditions. These traditions are preserved and kept alive through the efforts of local people, and joining a taiken is one way for you to contribute to the preservation of these traditions while expanding your own cultural experience at the same time. Through this pamphlet, we hope you become interested in Fukui traditional culture and start planning visit to Fukui to enjoy some of the taiken introduced in these pages. Yatte miyossa!